A 2011 Challenge

Last year, a bunch of my friends the blogs I follow challenged themselves by taking a picture everyday in 2010. I'm not sure where the "resolution" came from, but I enjoyed looking at their life through their camera lens. And have decided to try it myself this year. I think it'll be a good way to get more familiar with my DSLR camera (which I currently use as if it's a "Point-and-Shoot") and will hopefully help me get back to blogging without the pressure of having to write more than a sentence or two. I can't promise that the pictures will be POSTED every day, but they will be TAKEN each day.

UPDATE: (October 2011) My laptop died back in March. It took a looooooong time to get it back. I'm working on uploading pictures I took while I was computer-less. But I'll be honest...there definitely wasn't 1 picture a day. Maybe next year...

Monday, January 31, 2011

I Heart Faces - Best Face Photo in January

Can you tell he didn't want to play in the snow...again!?!?

1/31/11 - Bright Part of Her Morning

Forget the fact that she's 3.
Forget the fact that she's navigating the Internet with ease.
This was little girl had no idea what was a few hours away...stitches removal.  Screaming.  Thrashing.  Fear.  2 nurses and her mother holding her down while the doctor struggled for 20 minutes to snip 4 tiny stitches. Thankfully, the stitches are out.  Unfortunately, there are now steri-strips to protect because the cut didn't heal.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1/29/11 - Bedtime Run

This was 10 minutes before bedtime. They ran laps around the ottoman.
Don't ask about the bare belly.  He's proud of it.  Very proud.

Friday, January 28, 2011

1/28/11 - Trains, Trains, and more Trains

This boy loves his trains.
Have I mentioned how much?
He "puts them to sleep" each night.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/26/11 - Aperture 101

I've decided that I've gotten used to using my camera and now I need to start learning how to take the picture I want.  I took Photography in college, but somehow, I can't remember anything.  So I decided to start with the basics: Aperture! I read up on the Pioneer Woman's blog all about aperture and started playing around.  The problem is, by the time I was done reading and fiddling, the sun was going down and yes, it was snowing again.  So I set up a really boring shot...sorry...

This is the shot that things really started to "click" (pardon the pun).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/25/11 - Changed his Mind

"Take a picture of me, Mommy! Take a picture of me!" I get out my camera, and he won't look at me.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/23/11 - Love Those Eyes

This is the daughter of a friend.  She was slightly overwhelmed at the chaos of my kids running around the house.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

1/22/11 - Gamers...Already

I was trying to take an indoor picture without a flash (yes, more snow).  I needed subjects that were still.  These guys didn't even know I was there.

Friday, January 21, 2011

1/21/11 - Train Up A Child

It's never too early to start shoveling.  And this winter, he's getting PLENTY of practice!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/20/11 - Pets

I can't begin to tell you how much snow we've had this month.  I'm sick of taking pictures of it.  And my kids weren't exactly willing subjects today.  So I decided to start actually reading the manual and playing with the settings on my camera.  So here is our one and only pet..."Gem".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/19/11 - Back to School Joy

The joy was mine...not their's!  MLK day Monday, Snow day Tuesday, SCHOOL today and tomorrow (can you see my happy dance all the way over there?), then off Friday for the end of the quarter.  So, there's only homework ONE NIGHT this week...I needed to document it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1/18/11 - Enough Winter

It's been raining all day...and freezing...on to of all the snow that fell last week.  So today, was a snow day...after a day off (for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).  I was desperate to get away from my kids, but the furthest I ventured was the top step of the back porch (still under the cover of the roof so my camera didn't get soaked).  Not much to photograph.  So I played with black and white settings.  Who knew there were different ones???

Monday, January 17, 2011

1/17/11 - Baking Cookies

This was after "playing spa", playing in the snow, having lunch, watching a movie, dressing American Girl Dolls, eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate, snacking on nutella...
Where do they get the energy?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1/16/11 - Project King

He's always up to something.  His current project?  Organize the entire catalog of CDs in the house, upload them to a hard drive, and play them through the Blu-Ray player.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

1/14/11 - The Princess

This is how I found A when I was on my way to bed.  All her toys neatly stacked in bed and her book open to the page she was "reading"

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1/12/11 - She's an Angel

I realize the majority of my pictures have been of snow, but that's about all we've got going on.  And I enjoy the natural sunlight pictures with my DSLR more than the indoor pictures.  Any tips on how to fix that? 

I'll also work on getting more shots of T...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1/8/11 - Play Date

I came into the kitchen today and found A all spread out and ready to play...with her snap dolls...for 20 minutes!

Friday, January 7, 2011

1/7/11 - Snow Day!

What's better than trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1/6/11 - ...Not easy at all!

Part of taking a picture every day (a BIG part, I might add) is that I'm really going to need to remember to bring my camera places.  Otherwise, this blog (and 2011 resolution) are going to have to change to an iPhone picture a day blog!
I mean, really, what mom doesn't photographer her daughter's first ever basketball practice?  I'm a slacker...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/5/11 - This isn't going to be easy...

Okay, maybe making this resolution the week that I'm solo-parenting while my husband is on a business trip wasn't the best idea.  This shot from my phone is going to have to count for today.  The triplets really wanted to stay and watch Z's gymanstics class.  I must be crazy, because I said "yes".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1/4/11 - Music to My Ears

She is not always excited to practice, but the fact that Mom was going to take pictures of her sure helped "encourage" her.

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/3/11 - Open Up and Say "Ahhhh"

Admittedly, this is NOT taken with my DSLR.  It's a phone picture, but it was too cute not to include.  The triplets had their first official cleaning at the dentist today.  They've been before, but not as "big kids" in the chair with tools in their mouths.  C and A did great.  E, not so much.  He was perfectly fine during the demonstration of tools and during A's turn in the chair, but when it was his turn to climb in, there was some serious screaming and gnashing of teeth.  C, however, couldn't contain himself.  He was SO excited to let the dental hygienist have a look.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/2/11 - Monkey on His Back

Ever try to put an IKEA cabinet together with a 24 pound 3 year old on your back?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1/11 - Happy New Year

I guess staying up until 10:30p on New Year's Eve finally caught up with C.  Or maybe, the football game was a blowout.