A 2011 Challenge

Last year, a bunch of my friends the blogs I follow challenged themselves by taking a picture everyday in 2010. I'm not sure where the "resolution" came from, but I enjoyed looking at their life through their camera lens. And have decided to try it myself this year. I think it'll be a good way to get more familiar with my DSLR camera (which I currently use as if it's a "Point-and-Shoot") and will hopefully help me get back to blogging without the pressure of having to write more than a sentence or two. I can't promise that the pictures will be POSTED every day, but they will be TAKEN each day.

UPDATE: (October 2011) My laptop died back in March. It took a looooooong time to get it back. I'm working on uploading pictures I took while I was computer-less. But I'll be honest...there definitely wasn't 1 picture a day. Maybe next year...

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/3/11 - Open Up and Say "Ahhhh"

Admittedly, this is NOT taken with my DSLR.  It's a phone picture, but it was too cute not to include.  The triplets had their first official cleaning at the dentist today.  They've been before, but not as "big kids" in the chair with tools in their mouths.  C and A did great.  E, not so much.  He was perfectly fine during the demonstration of tools and during A's turn in the chair, but when it was his turn to climb in, there was some serious screaming and gnashing of teeth.  C, however, couldn't contain himself.  He was SO excited to let the dental hygienist have a look.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Thanks for the reminder to get the boys in for an appointment! We haven't done one yet because I was waiting to add them to the insurance for 2011.
